What promise did Warren G. Harding make to the American people?

Warren G Harding

Portrait of Warren Yard Harding, Library of Congress.

How did a President that promoted 'normalcy' come up to run an role fraught with scandal?

Warren Thou Harding's biography

Warren G Harding was born in Ohio in 1865 and became a successful paper publisher of The Marion Star. This was in part due to the efforts of his wife, Florence, who he married in 1901. He joined the Republican party and went on to serve in the Ohio legislature and the US Senate before he became president in 1921.

Harding became the start in a sequence of three conservative presidents. Republican conservatismfavoured a complimentary economy, private buying, a limited federal government, and maintaining traditional social ideas, and dominated the politics of the 1920s. Harding was generally considered a conciliator who took few strong stands, merely key pieces of legislation were passed during his tenure.

His presidency was, however, tainted past scandals in his administration, which overshadowed his achievements.

Warren G Harding's election

Harding ran as the Republican candidate in the 1920 election confronting the Autonomous nominee, James Hox. He won the election with a huge landslide victory, winning 61% of the popular vote.

He appealed to voters past campaigning with the quote he is best known for: the promise of a 'render to normalcy' after the First World Warand the reform-heavy Progressive Eraearlier that. Harding rejected past activism and idealism, proverb:

America's present need is non heroics but healing; not nostrums simply normalcy; not revolution but restoration.

This stance appealed to the American public who were tired afterward the difficulties of the First Earth War. Harding'southward 'normalcy' promised limited regime intervention too equally protectionist tariffs on strange appurtenances. This enabled the American people to await inwards and focus on growing their own businesses.

Harding's campaign itself was also instrumental in his success. It was led by Albert Asker and used modern advertising techniques to promote Harding's policies. Thousands of speakers were trained to speak for Harding beyond the state, telemarketers promoted him, and photos of him and his married woman were sent to people around the nation. Specific groups of society were also targeted for votes. The Republicans sent literature to farmers which revealed the declared abuses of Democratic agronomical policies, as well equally targeting African-Americans and women. Harding himself spoke for his dwelling house, and thousands from all across the country travelled to hear him.

Warren G Harding Harding campaigning from his porch StudySmarter Harding campaigning from his forepart porch in 1920, Wikimedia Commons.

What was Warren G Harding all-time known for?

Having secured a landslide victory, Harding was tasked with reducing government spending, which had increased tenfold between 1910 and 1920. His administration focused on economic policies to achieve this, too as restricting clearing, and engaging in international disarmament.

The Harding assistants

Equally President, Harding relied heavily on his advisors, the appointments of which were integral to government policy. Pro-concern multimillionaire Andrew Mellon was appointed equally his Secretary of the Treasury, and he would remain in this mail service for the rest of the century under two other conservative presidents. Mellon believed that the government should exist run exactly like a business organization and reduced the national debt by nigh $10 billion by 1929.

Some other of import appointment was Herbert Hoover as Secretary of Commerce, who had built his fortune as a mechanical engineer and a miner. Hoover, like Mellon, sought to make government more than efficient and eventually became president in 1929.

Economic policies

When Harding assumed role, the country was experiencing a mail-War economic depression, so every bit well every bit reducing government spending, Harding was faced with a discontent population in economical difficulty. Instead of giving unemployment benefits, Harding believed that the economic system would become prosperous by raising tariffs on foreign goods and reducing regime interference in it. Harding'southward economic policies were guided past laissez-faire capitalism: the idea that minimum governmental interference in economic affairs would produce the best outcome.

Harding prepare almost tackling the budget every bit soon as he took office. In 1921, he passed the Upkeep and Accounting Act, which necessitated presidential blessing for the budgets of government departments. This Act involved the formation of the General Accounting Part to audit expenditures, and by 1922 these had fallen by over $i billion. The decline in regime spending meant taxes could be reduced and Harding passed the Revenue Act in 1921, which profoundly reduced taxes for the wealthiest in society. Harding'south government reduced taxes for all Americans thanks to a refuse in spending.

Agricultural policies

Some other fundamental issue that Harding needed to tackle was failing farm profits. American agriculture had experienced a boom during the First World War due to a rise in international need, merely afterwards the State of war, European markets closed due to loftier tariffs and crop prices dropped. American farms were likewise left with a surplus due to overproduction. President Harding opposed ownership surplus produce due to conservative principles, but he did introduce the Emergency Tariff in 1921. This increased rates on imported agricultural goods in gild to protect United states farms from foreign competition.

In 1922, Harding went further by introducing the Fordney-McCumber Tariff which raised rates on farm products, likewise as other imported goods to protect American business organization. Nevertheless, this tariff made information technology more difficult for Europeans to pay their w ar debts back to the U.s.a.. Whilst it was intended to aid farmers, it actually meant they paid more than for mechanism fabricated in Europe, making the tariff detrimental in the long term.

The regime made other efforts to aid the agronomical industry. Harding established the Articulation Commission on Agricultural Industry to advise on farm policy. He as well passed the Capper-Volstead Act of 1922 to protect farm cooperatives from anti-trust legislation.

Social policies

Harding's administration also inverse the US policy towards immigration. The 1921 Emergency Quota Act was the kickoff policy to impose numerical limits on clearing and use a quota organization based on origin. It was introduced in response to an influx of Southern and Eastern Europeans, who were deemed 'undesirable'.

The Deed set the maximum number of immigrants annually at around 350,000 and reduced the number of immigrants to three% of a land's population in the The states co-ordinate to the 1910 census. This restriction based on place of origin became known as the National Origins Formula.

After the end of the Starting time World War, veterans returned to the Us, many in need of medical assistance and employment. In August 1921, Harding signed the Sugariness Beakwhich established the Veterans Bureau in lodge to manage veteran affairs. Despite this measure of assistance, Harding rejected a proposal from the soldiers to receive a bonus to brand up for the loss in their earnings due to the low wages in the ground forces.

Foreign policy

In terms of foreign affairs, Harding focused on international cooperation and reducing armament. The Commencement Globe War had recently ended when Harding took over the presidency, and securing international peace and avoiding another war were the key aims of his strange policy. American conservatism favoured isolationism,but the post-War era necessitated some engagement with international policy.


A government policy that focuses on dealing with internal affairs, and playing no office in the affairs of other nations.

Key achievements of the Harding assistants included the 1922 Five-Power Naval Limitation Treaty and the Nine-Ability Treaty. The Five-Power Treaty was signed by the United states, the United kingdom, Nippon, France, and Italy, and significantly restricted the navies of these countries. The Nine Ability Treaty was an understanding to respect the territorial integrity of Red china and support the Open-door policy which allowed Red china to trade equally with all countries.

Harding generally gave his Secretary of State, Charles Hughes, liberty in foreign affairs. Hughes pursued policies that restricted the U.s.a. stake in international relations but enabled participation in the earth economy. This was ideal for the bourgeois agenda, boosting the economic system nonetheless maintaining a semi-isolationist opinion.


Harding died unexpectedly in 1923. His Vice-President, Calvin Coolidge, took over the presidency and continued the conservative agenda.

Despite the achievements of Harding'due south presidency, the friends he appointed to prominent political positions exploited authorities coin and resource for personal gain. Most of these scandals came to calorie-free after Harding's decease, with the most famous being the Teapot Dome Scandal.

At the fourth dimension, this was considered the biggest scandal in American political history: Harding's Secretary of the Interior, Albert Salary Fall, leased Navy oil reserves to private oil companies at low rates. He was convicted of accepting bribes and was sent to prison house.

His reputation was further damaged by rumours of extramarital diplomacy and heavy drinking during the Prohibition era.

Warren G Harding - Key takeaways

  • Warren Harding won a landslide victory in the 1920 election on the entrada basis of a 'return to normalcy.'
  • Harding was the first of 3 bourgeois presidents in the 1920s and focused on limiting government intervention in the economy and reducing government spending.
  • He introduced a number of important policies including the Upkeep and Accounting Act in 1921 which audited regime expenditure, and the Fordney-McCumber Tariff in 1922 which raised tariffs on foreign appurtenances to protect United states farming and industry.
  • Harding's administration also focused on restricting immigration and promoting disarmament after the Showtime World War.

Warren G Harding

Warren Thou Harding died unexpectedly of a centre assail on 2 Baronial 1923.

He was known for his promise of a 'render to normalcy' and the conservative policies he implemented during his presidency, only after his death became known for the scandals in his administration.

He tackled regime expenditure and introduced high tariffs to protect American businesses from foreign competition. Harding likewise restricted immigration and entered into international disarmament treaties.

Notable policies introduced past Harding are the Upkeep and Accounting Human activity and the Fordney-McCumber Tariff.

Harding reduced authorities spending, reduced taxes, and increased tariffs on strange goods.

Final Warren Grand Harding Quiz


When was Warren Harding president?

Testify reply


On what platform did Harding campaign?

Bear witness answer


What percentage of the popular vote did Harding win in the 1920 ballot?

Show answer


Name two members of the Harding assistants.

Bear witness answer


Whatsoever two of: Andrew Mellon, Herbert Hoover, Charles Hughes

Testify question


What did the 1921 Upkeep and Bookkeeping Act do?

Show answer


Required presidential approval for the budgets of authorities departments and formed the General Bookkeeping Office to audit expenditures.

Show question


What did the reject in government spending mean?

Show reply


Why was agriculture a major issue for Harding?

Bear witness answer


European markets closed due to high tariffs and ingather prices dropped, farms were also left with a surplus due to overproduction.

Evidence question


How did Harding tackle the agriculture crisis?

Show respond


Introduced high tariffs on foreign imports.

Show question


What were the long-term effects of increased tariffs?

Bear witness reply


European countries were less able to pay back war debts to the Usa and farmers struggled to buy European machinery.

Show question


What human activity restricted immigration in 1921?

Show answer


How many immigrants were immune annually due to the immigration reform in 1921?

Show answer


What did Harding reject to give soldiers?

Show answer


A bonus to make up for their loss of earnings when they were at war.

Show question


Name 1 international treaty which Harding oversaw.

Show answer


The 5-Power Naval Limitation Treaty or The Nine-Power Treaty.

Show question


How many times had United states authorities spending increased betwixt 1910 and 1920?

Testify answer


What tainted Harding'due south presidency?

Prove answer


Scandals conducted by his friends in political positions.

Show question


Source: https://www.studysmarter.de/en/explanations/history/emergence-of-usa-as-a-world-power/warren-g-harding/

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